Exploring Spiritual Accompaniment
Year 1 - Introduction to Spiritual Accompaniment & Spirituality
Introduction to Spiritual accompaniment in context - Spiritual but not Religious
Introduction to Spiritual but not Religious
What is Religion?
What is spirituality?
Comedy sketch “I am spiritual but not religious.” (4 mins) - Strong Language warning
Brian Holdsworth (4 mins) Thoughtful analysis on why people claim to be “spiritual but not religious”
Robert Thurman (3 mins) Spirituality is about transcendence and connectedness with everything, religion is about institutions controlling people.
Matt Dillahunty (32 mins) Atheist philosophical linguistic analysis of the statement “I am not religious, but I am spiritual.”
Ways in which Spirituality may be expressed
Sadhguru 2019 (13 mins) Spirituality is the individual’s natural innate search for truth.
Fr. Thomas Keating (video 15mins) comments on the phrase many people use in describing themselves as "spiritual but not religious,"
'Spiritual not Religious' Reflection
Biblical texts for Consideration
Recommended Reading to downlaod
Further Recommended material on the topic of 'Spiritual but not Religious'
Recommended Viewing - BBC iPlayer - Pilgrimage
Introduction to Spirituality of Addiction and Longing
Excerpt from Inner Compass by Margaret Silf
Journaling and Response
Addiction & Longing
Response to Addiction and Longing
Extract from Spirituality and Addiction
Response to Extract from Spirituality and Addiction
Types of Addictions
Attraction and Aversion Addictions
Longing Reflection
Breathing Underwater- Spirituality and the 12 Steps
The Wisdom of the 12 Steps Journal Refection
Tools for living discerningly
Final Thought
Final Final Thought
Resources - Scripture
Resources - Book available from the Priory Library
Resources - Book not available from the Priory Library
Resources - Videos
Resources - Articles
Do I Need to Know Where I am In my Spiritual Growth? | Spiritual Reflections
Journey, tides and seasons
purgative, illuminative, and unitive ways
Purgative, Illuminative, and Unitive ways in an Outline of the Spiritual Exercises
The Interior Castle - St. Teresa of Avila
An introduction to The Critical Journey
Critical Journey Podcast
James Fowler - Stages of Faith Development
Fowler’s Stages of Faith Development
Richard Rohr's - 9 Stages of Spiritual Transformation
Dynamic Cycle Process
Recommended - Not essential - The Hero's Journey
Recommended - Not essential - Meister Eckhart's Path
Recommended - Not essential - Archetypal Spirituality
Recommended - Not essential - Male Formation
Recommended Resources