Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Video

    2. Course Handbook

    3. First Year Timetable

    4. The Portfolio

    5. Spiritual Journaling

    6. The Library

    7. Preparing for Listening Groups

    8. Tutors and Groups

    9. Group Covenant-Together we agreed a group convent which can be viewed below. We may come back to the covenant during the year as our understanding of each statement develops. We invite you to consider what do you want for yourself this year.

    10. For a New Beginning

    1. Preparation for Prayer & Faith Journey Assignment

    2. Recommended and Essential

    3. What is Prayer? - Video (2 minutes 59 seconds)

    4. How to Pray - Video (1 minute 29 seconds)

    5. Other Faith Stories

    6. My Faith is My Strength (Video - 4minutes and 48 seconds)

    7. My Faith Story within Liberation Theology (Video 53minutes and 44 seconds)

    8. Assignment - 1.3.1 Personal Prayer & Faith Journey

    1. Suggested Questions to aide reflection

    1. Preparation for Day 2

    1. Introduction to 1.4.1 Spiritual accompaniment in context - Spirituality Traditions

    2. Introduction to 1.4.1 Spirituality Traditions

    3. 1. An overview of some Spiritual Traditions told through the timeline of Catholic Consecrated Religious Life (Video 12minutes 36 seconds)

    4. An overview of some Spiritual Traditions

    5. 1. The Desert Tradition and Monasticism

    6. 1. The Desert Tradition & Monasticism - Early Christian Desert Communities

    7. 1. The Desert Tradition & Monasticism - Early Christian Desert Communities

    8. 1. The Desert Tradition & Monasticism

    9. 1. The Desert Tradition & Monasticism - Spiritual Direction in Early Christianity

    10. 1.The Desert Tradition & Monasticism - Creating a Rule of Life

    11. 2. The Jesus Prayer & the Orthodox Tradition

    12. 2. The Jesus Prayer & the Orthodox Tradition

    13. 3. Mendicant Spirituality

    14. 3. Mendicant Spirituality

    15. 3. Mendicant Spirituality

    16. 3. Mendicant Spirituality

    17. 4. Ignatian Spirituality

    18. 4. Ignatian Spirituality

    19. 5. Anglican Spirituality

    20. 6. Pentecostal Spirituality

    21. 6. Pentecostal Spirituality - Learning from the Pentecostal vision of God

    22. 7. The Evangelical Tradition - Read Chapter 5, Beneath the cross of Jesus: spirituality in the Evangelical tradition – Spirituality Workbook then reflect on the following questions.

    23. Completed 1.4.1 Spirituality traditions

    24. Additional Resources

    1. What is Spiritual Accompaniment? (video 1 minute and 8 seconds)

    2. What is spiritual direction?

About this course

  • Free
  • 123 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content